Dental Inlays and Onlays

At Third Coast Family Dental, we offer dental inlays and onlays—custom-fitted restorations designed to repair moderately decayed or damaged teeth, preserving more of your natural tooth structure while enhancing durability with aesthetically pleasing results.

Dental Inlays and Onlays in West Allis, WI

Welcome to Third Coast Family Dental, your trusted partner for achieving and maintaining a radiant smile. Dental inlays and onlays are highly effective treatments used to restore teeth that have been damaged by decay or injury but do not require a full crown. These custom-fitted restorations are ideal for teeth with moderate decay or that have enough structure left that a filling might compromise their integrity.

Inlays and onlays are crafted from durable, tooth-colored materials such as porcelain or composite resin, blending seamlessly with your natural teeth for an aesthetically pleasing finish. Unlike traditional fillings, which cover a small area within the tooth, inlays and onlays cover a larger area and are bonded directly onto the tooth’s surface, enhancing strength and durability. This method not only conserves more of your natural tooth but also significantly improves the tooth’s structure and longevity.

The image is a digital illustration showing a dental procedure where a tooth is being prepared for a crown. The middle tooth has a reduced surface, with a dental crown positioned above it, ready to be placed. The illustration includes adjacent teeth, gum tissue, and a cross-section of the jawbone.
  • How are dental inlays and onlays apllied?

    With the advanced CEREC® technology available at Third Coast Family Dental, the application of dental inlays and onlays can be completed in just one visit. Here’s how the streamlined process works:

    1. Tooth Preparation: The dentist begins by examining the affected tooth and cleaning any decay or removing old fillings. The tooth is then reshaped to prepare for the inlay or onlay.
    2. Digital Impressions: Instead of traditional dental putty, the CEREC® system uses a state-of-the-art digital scanner to take precise 3D images of your tooth. This ensures the inlay or onlay is created with exact specifications for a perfect fit.
    3. In-House Milling: The digital impression is sent directly to the in-office CEREC® milling machine, which fabricates the inlay or onlay from a high-quality ceramic block. The entire milling process typically takes less than an hour.
    4. Placement and Finishing: The newly milled inlay or onlay is then tried in your mouth to ensure it fits perfectly and your bite is correct. Once confirmed, it is bonded securely to your tooth with a durable dental adhesive and polished to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth.

    This one-visit process saves time and provides you with a durable, aesthetic restoration almost immediately, eliminating the need for temporary solutions and additional dental appointments.

  • When should I consider a dental inlay or onlay?

    You should consider a dental inlay or onlay in several scenarios where the structure and health of your tooth are a concern, particularly in cases that are not extreme enough to require a full crown. Here are some common situations where inlays or onlays might be the best option:

    1. Moderate Tooth Decay: If your tooth has too much decay to be effectively repaired with a traditional filling but isn’t damaged enough to require a full crown, an inlay or onlay can provide the necessary support and coverage.
    2. Large Fillings: If you have large old fillings that have deteriorated or caused further damage to the tooth structure, replacing them with inlays or onlays can restore strength and function to the tooth.
    3. Cracked or Fractured Teeth: For teeth that are cracked or fractured but not severely damaged, inlays and onlays can offer a durable restoration solution that also protects the tooth from further damage.
    4. Cosmetic Enhancements: If you’re looking to improve the aesthetic appearance of your teeth due to discoloration or minor structural flaws, inlays and onlays made from porcelain or composite resin can be matched to the color of your natural teeth, providing a more attractive and durable solution than fillings.
    5. Wear and Tear: Teeth that have worn down from use, such as from grinding, can benefit from inlays or onlays to restore their original contour and prevent further wear and structural damage.

    Inlays and onlays are beneficial because they preserve more of your natural tooth structure than crowns and are often more durable than conventional fillings, making them a valuable treatment option for long-term dental health.

  • How long do inlays and onlays last?

    Dental inlays and onlays are durable and can last up to 30 years with proper care, including good oral hygiene practices and regular dental check-ups. Their longevity can exceed that of traditional fillings due to their custom fit and robust materials like porcelain or composite resin.

  • Are inlays and onlays noticeable?

    Inlays and onlays are made from materials such as porcelain and composite resin that can be closely matched to your natural tooth color, making them virtually unnoticeable. They are designed to blend seamlessly with your teeth, enhancing both aesthetics and function.

More Questions?

If you have more questions about dental inlays and onlays, please call our office and we will be happy to discuss further.

Google Map image of Third Coast Family Dental location

Third Coast Family Dental

8531 W. Lincoln Avenue
West Allis, WI, 53227
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MON - WED: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
THUR: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
FRI: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm



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